ISTCP 2024
11th Triennial Congress of the International Society
for Theoretical Chemical Physics
October 13-18, 2024
Qingdao, China
Exciting Science
Q-Chem Workshop (Free)
The 2024 Fall Q-Chem User Workshop will be happening in person on the morning of October 13th from 9AM to 1PM at the conference venue, before the beginning of the ISTCP conference. This free workshop will provide an introduction to several basic features within the Q-Chem software package, and will include several hands-on exercises using IQmol, Q-Chem's free molecule visualizer and job server. A tea break will be provided.
Click here to register for the free Q-Chem Workshop.
ISTCP 2024 continues in the tradition of presenting the achievement and advances of all areas of theoretical chemical physics, with special emphasis on the interaction between experimental and theoretical physical chemistry.
The scope of ISTCP 2024 will cover a broad range of topics that will include
- Electronic and nuclear dynamics & statistics (Chairs: Wolfgang Domcke, Jian Liu, and Todd J. Martinez)
- Wave function theory for electronic structure (Chairs: Haibo Ma, Piotr Piecuch, and Seiichiro Ten-no)
- Density functional theory and time-dependent density functional theory for electronic structure (Chairs: Emmanuel Fromager, Xin Xu, and Weitao Yang)
- Low-order scaling methods for electronic structure (Chairs: Masato Kobayashi, Hiromi Nakai and Shuhua Li)
- Quantum computing for quantum chemistry (Chairs: Sabre Kais and Zhenyu Li)
- Computational spectroscopy (Chairs: Trygve Helgaker and Yi Luo)
- Computational catalysis (Chairs: Anastasia Alexandrova, Jun Li, Nuria López and Sergey Kozlov)
- Computational biology (Chairs: Ron Elber and Yiqin Gao)
- Computational materials (Chairs: Zhigang Shuai and Jinlong Yang)
- Machine learning and data-driven approaches (Chairs: Pavlo Dral, Jonathan Hirst, and Jun Jiang)
- Embedding methods for electronic structure (Chairs: Troy van Voorhis and Tianyu Zhu)
- Software design and development (Chairs: Daniel Crawford and Edward Valeev)
- Relativistic electronic structure theory of heavy-element chemistry (Chairs: Lan Cheng and Xiaosong Li)
- Auqing Tang, Joe Paldus, and Bogumil Jeziorski memorial symposium/Chemical insights (Chairs: Errki Brändas, Shubin Liu, and Zhongyuan Lv)
Click here to see the leaflet.
Great Speakers
ISTCP 2024 will feature 11 plenary lecturers and more than 200 invited lecturers, covering a wide range of topics in the field of theoretical chemical physics. Join the ISTCP 2024 to learn about the most recent advanced in this field.
Plenary Speakers
- Clary, David (University of Oxford)
- Eisenstein, Odile (Université de Montpellier)
- Gagliardi, Laura (University of Chicago)
- Gao, Jiali (Shenzhen Bay Laboratory)
- Gross, Eberhard K. U. (Hebrew University)
- Head-Gordon, Martin (University of California, Berkeley)
- Krylov, Anna (University of Southern California)
- Mukherjee, Debashis (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science)
- Nakatsuji, Hiroshi (Quantum Chemistry Research Institute)
- Wu, Yundong (Peking University)
- Yang, Weitao (Duke University)
Invited Speakers
Unique Location
Combining fresh sea air and dashing good looks, Qingdao, the name means 'Green Island', is a rare modern city that has managed to preserve some of its past while angling a dazzling modern face to the future. Its blend of concession-era and modern architecture puts China's standard white-tile and blue-glass developments to shame. The winding cobbled streets, colonial German architecture and red-capped hillside villas are captivating and there's so much to enjoy in the city's diverse food scene, headlined by the ubiquitous home town beer Tsingtao. Meanwhile, the seaside aspect keeps the town cooler than the inland swelter zones during summer, and slightly warmer in winter.
Main Organizer
About Us
Technical Support
Hongzhiwei Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
72 Binhai Road, Jimo, Qingdao, China