Presentation Guidelines
Dear ISTCP speakers,
Thank you for accepting to be a speaker at the ISTCP conference. In order to ensure that the conference program runs smoothly, we kindly ask you to adhere to the following "presentation guidelines":
(1) Please test your presentation in your assigned room one day before your session to make sure there are no software incompatibility or other issues with your presentation. There will be volunteers in each session room and at the registration desk. Please contact them in case there are any problems. It is important that you test your presentation in the room of your session, as the projectors may differ in the different rooms.
(2) Please check the program and identify the time of your assigned session. Please be in your session room at least 15 minutes before the session starts to test your presentation and acquaint yourself with the pointers. Please introduce yourself to the chair of the session and the volunteers, so that they can help you with the microphone before your presentation.
(3) Please ensure you finish your presentation within 45 minutes (for plenary speakers, 37 min for speaking and 8 min for questions) or 30 minutes (for parallel session speakers, 25 min for speaking and 5 min for questions), The session chair will indicate when there are 10 minutes left of your presentation (including the time for questions).
(4) Microphones are available in all lecture rooms, and for the benefit of the audience, we strongly recommend that these be used when giving your presentation.
(5) Please prepare your presentation using 16x9 aspect ratios. We also recommend you to provide your presentation as a PDF (Portable Document Format) file, as this usually has no or few compatibility issues.
(6) Each session room will have projectors with VGA and standard HDMI (normal size) connections, and a laptop and a USB disk will also be available that you can upload your presentation onto. You may also use your own laptop in case that there are special requirements for your presentation (e.g., formatting or embedded videos).
(7) There will be traditional laser pointers available in each session room. Our volunteers will be ready to assist you with the pointers or help you in case of any problems.
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72 Binhai Road, Jimo, Qingdao, China